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Bates Motor Home Rentals

5 5 1 1 Review(s)


Phone (866) 579-2345
Fax (337) 332-5552 - Fax
Address I-10 @ Exit 109,
Breaux Bridge, LA 70517 United States


Class A, Class C, and Travel Trailer rentals in the Lafayette, LA area.
Satellite Rental Depo's in Slidell, LA and Dothan, Alabama servicing the Gulf Coast.

Reviews for Bates Motor Home Rentals

1 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Bates Motor Home Rentals

    rental went smoothly

    5 5 0

    Posted On:

    “Needed to rent an RV for the week for a camping vacation- chose Bates because they were reasonably priced and they don't put commercial logos all over their RVs like some of the other rental places. Anyway, the vehicle was in good condition and we didn't have any problems on the road thankful. I'd use them again.”

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